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Carroll Manor Girls Lacrosse

CMLAX Girls - On Your First Day of Practice...

On the first day of practice your player will need:
-  a girls lacrosse stick, 
-  goggles, 
-  a molded mouthpiece, 
-  cleats, 
-  a water bottle,
-  thin gloves when its chilly.

Keep everything is one bag so you can find it when your running late.

Everything we know about what to buy and where to find it is on the attached MS Word Document.  This includes the traditional stay low cost options for our newer or younger players, but also adds in guidance for the seasoned players with specifics for the parents looking for our input.  Make sure your kid loves the game before you buy the $100 dollar stick!  The Magic is in the Wizard, not the Wand!

I shamelessly paraphrased a few recommendations from a local travel team (thanks Bill S)... but also edited it to fit to the rec level.  I've also added a few items like soft headgear, gloves, goalie gear, rec-specs and cleats for kids who complain about foot or heal pain.
Let your Coach know if you have any questions & be sure to gear up for success!

Doug Agnes, Founder

CMLAX Girls Lacrosse 

Dicks Sporting Goods Coupons

2018 Dicks Coupons

Gear Up For Success!!!

US Lacrosse Helpful Links on the Web

Web Links to Girls Lacrosse Resources

When watching the youth rules videos, note that WMYLC has their own set of rules listed here:  WMYLC Rules

You will find more great resources for both parents & players at , and and lots of USLAX Core Skillz Videos on YouTube. 

Core Skillz Links are Listed on the CMLAX Training page.

New Cascade LX Girls Headgear for 2017

There is a new rule regarding optional headgear for women's lacrosse this year. The girls do not need to wear it, but any headgear worn must meet the new standard. There are two products that meet the new standard, which includes 3 criteria:

1.) It must protect against a stick at 40 MPH,
2.) It must protect against a ball at 60 MPH,
3.) It must protect against injury to another player not wearing one.

Again, this is optional gear, but several CMLAX Players will be wearing them this year.

I included links to the US Lacrosse FAQ and links to websites for the two approved products at the bottom. I looked both products over at the US Lacrosse Convention and personally like the Cascade LX better. 

Here is a brief video review of the Cascade LX.

We have also secured team pricing: $115 (Retail is $149).

Our local Cascade Rep is:
Mike Tabb
BSN Sports

Contact Mike directly if you would like to order one. They are one size fits all, and we think the Black & Gray will look best with the CMLAX Uniform.

I'm not certain they will fit our U8 players.  Some of our smaller U10 Girls are wearing them, so maybe.  I do have a spare one if you want to try it before you buy it, you just have to track me down at a practice field somewhere.

Feel free to share this information.

Doug Agnes

US Lacrosse Legal Women's Headgear

US Lacrosse women's rules allow for the optional use of headgear if it meets ASTM standard F3137. The purpose of this allowance is to acknowledge that while women's lacrosse is a relatively safe sport, the use of protective headgear is desired by some individuals.

Please note that beginning January 1, 2017, only products that meet the ASTM standard will be regarded as legal for play.

Women's Headgear FAQ 

US Lacrosse has an established process for headgear manufacturers to have their products listed on the US Lacrosse web site by submitting a letter and verification from an accredited, independent testing facility acknowledging compliance to the ASTM standards.

Manufacturers whose products are in compliance and who have submitted testing results to US Lacrosse have their products listed below.

Headgear Meeting ASTM Standard F3137:

Cascade LX (also satisfies ASTM Standard 3077 for eyewear)
Hummingbird Sports

Wear that Black & Gold Proudly CMLAX !!!

Wear the black & gold proudly on Carrollton Manor as CMLAX Teams have brought in four of the six WMLYC Lacrosse Division Championships this Spring!!!

In the Spring of 2019, Four Carroll Manor Lacrosse Teams went undefeated winning the Western Maryland Youth Lacrosse Championships in the Boys Grade 3/4A, Boys Grade 7/8A, Girls Grade 3/4 & the Girls Grade 5/6 Divisions!

What a fantastic way to enter our second decade of lacrosse!!!