2016 Rules for WMYLC U7 Co-ed Lacrosse
(“Scoopers” Division)
U7 Scoopers Lacrosse Rules and Regulations
- Field size is 40 yards between goals (option to use a U9 boys or girls field - 40x80 )
- Mid line and creases {Crease to be min 10 yards from end line w/ 40 yds between goals}
- Goals should be full size.
- Teams play 5v5 Spread them out to start 1 Attack, 3 Midfielders, 1 Defense for the start of play when there is a Faceoff or Draw.
- Attack/Defense players do not need to remain back on each half of the field. (Experimental rule for 2016).
- There is no goalie at U7.
- All players must wear mouthpiece. Mouthpiece must not be clear so it is visible and it must not have a strap.
- Players shall wear no jewelry.
- Players shall wear goggles. No hard helmets on field players. Soft headgear is permitted.
- Gloves may be worn. Boys or Girls Lacrosse Gloves, or lightweight winter gloves.
- Regulation Boys or Girls stick permitted, but the stick length can be shortened to match the player. No ministicks nor “Fiddlesticks” with smaller head sizes.
- Play with soft lacrosse balls.
- No checking. None. Teach good defensive body position. A defensive player may block the shot of a player by placing their crosse at the point of release of the shooters crosse. If the player initiating the contact between the crosses is the shooter, it is not a “check”.
- No intentional body contact between players. No pushing or body checks. Boxing out around a ground ball is permitted, but they player shall not back into another player in an overly assertive manner.
- Alternate the start of play with two girls in a draw or two boys in a faceoff.
- Two (2) pass attempts must be made before a shot can be taken. The two pass attempts can be made anywhere on the field. Coaches will call out pass attempts (1 pass, 2 pass). If the opposing team gains possession of the ball regardless of the pass count, the pass count resets to zero. (ie A missed pass with scooped ball by any other member of the same team that threw the ball is a successful transition.) Dumping a ball out of one stick directly into another stick pocket is not a pass.
- Two coaches on field act as refs and stop play to instruct. Use a Whistle or call “STOP- STOP-STOP”. Players should stay in current field position unless instructed to take 4 steps back.
- Four 10 minute quarters. 2 min break between quarters, 10 min half time. Running clock.
- No field players in the crease. Since there is no goalie, a ball in the crease is dead ball and shall be given to a defensive player out to side of the crease area.
- If a pack develops around a ground ball and the ball does not emerge quickly, the closest coach shall stop play. This is to prevent injuries.
- After a stopped play, the coach can give to a player who has not yet had the ball, or toss to an open area of the field. Use alternating possessions between teams when breaking up the pack.
- Coaches shall keep it fun for both teams! No score shall be kept.